Contact sensitizers in dyshidrotic eczema
Dyshidrotic eczema, Pompholyx, Patch test, Contact dermatitis.Abstract
Objective To study the etiological pattern of contact sensitizers in patients of dyshidrotic eczema. Methods 50 patients of suspected and provisionally diagnosed as having dyshidrotic eczema were subjected to patch test with Indian Standard Battery developed by Contact and Occupational Dermatoses Forum of India (CODFI). Results were read after 48 hours of application and second reading, if required, was taken after 72-96 hours. Results Patch test analysis of these patients revealed that out of 50 patients 26 (52%) showed positive result with patch test. Paraphenylenediamine (20%) and nickel sulphate (10%) were the commonest allergens, followed by parthenium (8%), fragrance mix (8%) and potassium dichromate (8%). Conclusion Careful history and examination of the patients helps to ascertain the probable relevant allergen responsible for the disease flare up. The patients of pompholyx with positive patch test results can be advised to avoid these allergens.References
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