Pathogenesis of psoriasis
Psoriasis, pathogenesis, immunity, inflammation, T lymphocytes, biological agentsAbstract
Psoriasis is a common, disfiguring, inflammatory and proliferative condition of the skin, inwhich both genetic and environmental influences have a critical role. The disease had beentraditionally considered as a hyperproliferative disorder and various treatment modalitiessupposedly had anti-proliferative actions. Recently the advances in molecular techniqueshave given a new view regarding the pathogenesis of the disease. Now there is considerableevidence to suggest that psoriasis is a T-cell mediated inflammatory disease and varioustreatment options are now becoming available which effect different steps of this immunemechanism. Considering the importance of psoriasis it is considered mandatory to review therecently revised pathogenesis of the disease along with a brief description of the mechanismof action of various biological agents which are being used in the treatment.References
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