Lupus vulgaris on the buttock mimicking tinea corporis


  • Muhammad Hasibur Rahman
  • Nazma Parvin Ansari
  • Md Hadiuzzaman
  • Nahida Islam Nipa
  • Md. Shahidul Islam
  • Sabrina Alam Mumu
  • Ishrat Jahan Chowdhury


Lupus vulgaris, histopathological examination, polymerase chain reaction


Lupus vulgaris is the most common form of cutaneous tuberculosis which usually occurs in patients previously sensitized to Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It is often clinically and histopathologically confused with various cutaneous disorders. Here, we present a 28-year-old man attended in our medical college with slowly progressive, asymptomatic, annular erythematous skin lesions on the buttocks for 8 years. He consulted with many physicians and was improperly treated with an oral antifungal agent for several months under the diagnosis of tinea corporis, but no cure was observed. A diagnosis of lupus vulgaris was made based on the histopathological examination and the polymerase chain reaction. Anti-tuberculosis therapy was administered and the lesions started to regress. 


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How to Cite

Rahman MH, Ansari NP, Hadiuzzaman M, Nipa NI, Islam MS, Mumu SA, Chowdhury IJ. Lupus vulgaris on the buttock mimicking tinea corporis. J Pak Assoc Dermatol [Internet]. 2016Dec.22 [cited 2025Feb.8];21(4):295-7. Available from: