Physiological changes of skin in pregnancy


  • Zareen Akhtar Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Sahiwal Medical College, Sahiwal
  • Shahana Hoor Department of Dermatology, Sahiwal Medical College, Sahiwal
  • Syed Ahmad Ali Gardezi Department of Dermatology, Sahiwal Medical College, Sahiwal
  • Sehrish Munawar Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Sahiwal Medical College, Sahiwal
  • Urfa Shafi Department of Pathology, Pakistan Kidney Liver Institute (PKLI), Lahore


Cutaneous, Physiological changes, Pregnancy


ABSTRACT  Background: Pregnancy may cause various physiological cutaneous changes which occur due to modification in immunological, endocrine and vascular functions in females. Although these changes are benign, do not require treatment in most cases. Identifications of these skin changes aid in antepartum surveillance, thus improving mother and child healthcare. Objective: To determine the frequency of physiological changes in skin during pregnancy Methods: This Cross-sectional observational study consisted of pregnant women attending anti-natal clinic of Gynecology & Obstetrics and Dermatology Department at Sahiwal Teaching Hospital, Sahiwal. Demographic data of patients and complete history was taken. General physical and cutaneous examination was done for physiological changes in skin during pregnancy. Relevant systemic examination and laboratory investigations were performed. The data was analyzed by using SPSS version 25. Results:  A total 271 pregnant female were enrolled, mean and SD of age was 28.24 ± 5.3 and majority of them (61%) were multigravida and (69.7%) were in 3rd trimester. Most frequent skin change observed during pregnancy was stria gravidarum n=144 (53.7%) followed by melasma (45.4 %), linea nigra (41.7 %),  increased activity of eccrine gland/sweating (28.8%), pigmentation of areola, increased brittleness of nail(23.6%), increased activity of sebaceous gland /Acne Vulgaris (22.1%), palmar erythema (21.6%) and diffuse hair loss(20.3%). Cutaneous changes mostly noticed were during third trimester of pregnancy. Conclusion: The timely recognition of common physiological skin changes during antenatal period helps in improving the patient care during pregnancy, thus reducing maternal and fetal morbidity.  Keywords: Cutaneous, physiological changes, pregnancy.



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How to Cite

Rafiq Z, Akhtar Z, Hoor S, Gardezi SAA, Munawar S, Shafi U. Physiological changes of skin in pregnancy. J Pak Assoc Dermatol [Internet]. 2024Dec.31 [cited 2025Feb.16];34(4 Suppl.):S31-S38. Available from:



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