The effectiveness of medical hypnosis to decrease anxiety score, improve the quality of life and improve skin lesions of vitiligo patients at Dr. Moewardi and Sebelas Maret Hospital, Surakarta


  • Nabila Nur Bilqis Islamy Sebelas Maret University
  • Aris Sudiyanto Sebelas Maret University
  • IGB Indro Nugroho Sebelas Maret University
  • Nur Rachmat Mulianto Sebelas Maret University


Vitiligo, Anxiety, Quality of life, Vitiligo severity, Medical hypnosis


Background Vitiligo patients makes experience lack of confidence, anxiety and decreased quality of life.  Medical Hypnosis as non pharmacological treatment has gained recognition as an effective therapy.   Methods Experimental double-blind pre and post control group design with purposive sampling approach. Anxiety examination was carried out with the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Score (HARS) instrument, quality of life examination with the Vitiligo Quality of Life Index (VitiQol) instrument and the severity of vitiligo lesions with VASI (Vitiligo Area Scoring Index). It included 32 vitiligo patients at the Dermatology outpatients of Dr. Moewardi Surakarta Hospital and UNS Hospital. The intervention group was given Medical Hypnosis for 4 sessions. Statistical analysis was carried out with Mann-Whitney and t-test.   Results There was a statistically significant decrease in the average HARS pre- posttest with a value of p=<0.001 (p<0.05) and a statistically significant decrease in the average VitiQol pre-posttest with a value of p=<0.001 (p<0.05), but in the VASI score there was a statistically insignificant decrease with a value of p=0.317 (p>0.05).   Conclusion There was a significant difference in HARS and VitiQol scores after receiving Medical Hypnosis between the treatment group and the control group in vitiligo patients, but Medical Hypnosis was not effective in decreasing the severity of vitiligo lesions assessed with VASI scores.  


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How to Cite

Bilqis Islamy NN, Sudiyanto A, Nugroho II, Mulianto NR. The effectiveness of medical hypnosis to decrease anxiety score, improve the quality of life and improve skin lesions of vitiligo patients at Dr. Moewardi and Sebelas Maret Hospital, Surakarta. J Pak Assoc Dermatol [Internet]. 2024May6 [cited 2025Jan.20];34(1):117-22. Available from:



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