Different clinical presentations of Lichen Planus
Different clinical presentations of Lichen Planus Riffat Naseem, Safoora Aamir. Abstract Background: Lichen planus was considered a rare entity about two decades back and its clinical variants were even more infrequent. Over the period lichen planus and its rare variants have become more prevalent. Objective: To determine the frequency of different clinical variants of LP. Methods: A prospective cross-sectional study was done including 255 patients of all ages and both sexes attending Dermatology outdoor at Shaikh Zayed Hospital, Lahore from January 2018 to December 2019. Results: Out of 255 patients in this study, 134 (53%) were females and 121 (47%) were males. The mean age of the patients was 51 ± 23.35 years. Among cutaneous variants, classic LP was the predominant clinical type (40.3%, n=103), followed by hypertrophic LP (n= 23, 9%), lichen planus pigmentosus ( n=19, 7.6 %), lichen nitidis (n=17, 6.6 %), generalized eruptive lichen planus (n=14, 5.5 %), lichenoid drug eruption ( n=9, 3.5%), follicular (n=4, 1.5%), annular and actinic each (n=3, 1.17% ), bullous (n=2,0.78% ), and atrophic (n=1,0.4 %) variety. Oral lichen planus was seen in 54 patients (21.7%). The most frequent occurrence was of reticular type (n=21, 8%), followed by pigmented (n=17, 7 %) and erosive variant (n=16, 6%). Out of 54 patients with oral lesion of lichen planus , 43 of them (16. 9 %) oral lesion in combination with cutaneous lesions most commonly with classic LP (n=28, 10.10%) , hypertrophic (n=12, 4.7%) , LPP (n=1,0.4%), follicular LP (n=1,0.4%), and nail ptrygium (n=1,0.4%). Oral lesion were absent with other variant of LP like atrophic, annular and generalized eruptive. Koebner’s phenomenon was seen in 27 patients (10.6%) , while nail and genital involvement was noted in 34 and 3 ( 13 % and 1.17 %) patients respectively. Key words: Lichen planus; morphological variants.Downloads
How to Cite
Naseem R, Safoora Aamir. Different clinical presentations of Lichen Planus. J Pak Assoc Dermatol [Internet]. 2022Jun.1 [cited 2025Feb.8];32(2):293-8. Available from: https://jpad.com.pk/index.php/jpad/article/view/1859
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