ECG manifestations of meglumine antimoniate in treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis


  • Anila Panezai
  • Sara Inayat
  • Dr. Saifullah
  • Dr. Habib Ullah
  • Mehvish Afridi
  • Sehrish Ghani


ECG manifestations, Meglumine Antimonate, cutaneous leishmaniasis


Objective To determine ECG manifestations of Meglumine Antimoniate in treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis for cutaneous leishmaniasis.Study Design: Cross Sectional. Setting & Study duration   This study was conducted at the Department of Dermatology, Bolan Medical College/ Sandeman Provincial Hospital, Quetta from 20th August 2015 to 20th February 2016 (6 months). Material and Methods A total of 245 patients were included in the study. All patients between the ages of 25 to 60 years diagnosed as leishmaniasis and on treatment for > 2 weeks were enrolled. The patients were treated with intra-muscular injections of MA (Glucantime; Aventis, France) at a dose of 20 mg/day for 21 days.  ECG was captured on a standard 12 leads format. The diagnosis of ECG manifestations was made based on recording of ECG done at 1st and fourth week after starting treatment. Data was analyzed using Statistical package of Social Sciences (SPSS) version 19. Mean + SD were calculated for continuous variable of age, height, weight, BMI, daily dose and duration of treatment. Results on categorical variables of gender and patient outcome variable i-e Sinus tachycardia, sinus bradycardia, prolong QT interval, T inversion, ST Depression, Q wave were expressed in frequencies and proportions. Stratification of age, gender, duration of treatment, duration of disease and daily dose was done to see their effect on outcome variable. Results A total of 245 patients were included in the study. Mean age of the patients was 54.34±5.02 years. Majority of the patients 189 (77.1%) were males. Mean duration of treatment and duration of disease was 4.98 ±1.56 weeks and 6.20 ±1.82 weeks respectively. Frequency of sinus tachycardia was found in 37 (15.1%) patients, sinus bradycardia 19 (7.8%), T wave inversion 12 (4.9%), prolong QT inversion 38 (15.5%), ST depression 13 (5.3%) while Q wave was observed in 67 (27.3%) patients.9.23 years. Conclusion Our results showed that treatment with Meglumine antimoniate can induce many ECG changes. We suggest that ECG monitoring should be performed in high-risk patients undergoing Meglumine antimoniate treatment with special attention to ECG changes. 


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How to Cite

Panezai A, Inayat S, Saifullah D, Habib Ullah D, Afridi M, Ghani S. ECG manifestations of meglumine antimoniate in treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis. J Pak Assoc Dermatol [Internet]. 2020Oct.1 [cited 2025Feb.16];30(3):382-7. Available from:



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