Cutaneous manifestations in patients with chronic kidney disease on hemodialysis
hemodialysis, pruritus, renal, xerosisAbstract
Background Cutaneous manifestations are common among patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Objective To assess the prevalence of various cutaneous manifestations in CKD patients on hemodialysis. Materials and Methods Sixty patients with CKD of diverse etiology undergoing hemodialysis were examined for cutaneous changes. Results Seventy five percent patients complained of skin problems. However, all patients on examination had at least one cutaneous manifestation attributed to CKD. Most common cutaneous finding was xerosis in 37 cases followed by pruritus in 35 cases, pallor in 28 cases, pigmentary changes in 14 cases, pedal edema in 12 cases, acquired perforating dermatoses in 3 cases, gynecomastia in 3 cases, purpura in 1 case, fungal infection in 23 cases, bacterial infection in 10 cases, and viral infection in 8 cases. Nail changes were noted in 42 cases, hair changes in 15 cases, and oral mucosal changes in 32 cases. Conclusion Chronic kidney disease is associated with a complex array of cutaneous manifestations either due to disease or by hemodialysis. Early recognition of cutaneous signs can relieve suffering and decrease the morbidity.References
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