Intralesional Vitamin D3 for palmoplantar warts : A novel modality


  • Dr. Samta
  • Sumir Kumar
  • B.K. Brar


Palmoplantar warts, Intralesional injections, Vitamin D3.


Background Palmoplantar warts is a common condition with many treatment options having different success rates. Intralesional Vitamin D3 for treatment of palmoplantar warts is an upcoming concept as very few studies have been done in this regard. We have tried to explore the efficacy of this new modality for treatment of palmoplantar warts. Aims and Objective To study the efficacy and safety of intralesional Vitamin D3 in palmoplantar warts. Materials and Methods Twenty patients having palmoplantar warts of variable duration were enrolled. 0.3 to 0.5 ml of intralesional injection of Vitamin D3 (15 mg/ml, 600,000 IU) was given in the base of maximum 5 warts at each visit. Four such visits at 3 weeks interval were scheduled. Post treatment follow up was done for 6 months. Improvement and adverse effects were noted at every visit. Results Out of 20 patients, 18 patients completed the study. 15 patients (83.3%) had “good” to “very good” response while 3 patient had “mild’ to “moderate” response. No respone was seen in uninjected warts. P value was significant. Conclusion Intralesional Vitamin D3 is a novel modality and it can be used as an effective and safer option for treatment of palmoplantar warts. 


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How to Cite

Samta D, Kumar S, Brar B. Intralesional Vitamin D3 for palmoplantar warts : A novel modality. J Pak Assoc Dermatol [Internet]. 2020Oct.1 [cited 2025Jan.20];30(3):418-22. Available from:



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