Narrow-Band ultraviolet B phototherapy for the treatment of Iraqi patients with uremic pruritus


  • Samer Dhaher College of Medicine, University of Basrah, Iraq
  • Aamer A Hassan


phototherapy uremic pruritus


Objective We aimed to assess the efficacy and safety of NB-UVB phototherapy in relieving uremic pruritus. Patients and Methods Over a period of 12 months, we recruited 17 patients with uremic pruritus having skin phototype III and more, aged from 21 to 67 years, 19(52.9%) females and 8(47.1%) male. They received NB-UVB, 2 sessions per week for 10 weeks. The response was assessed using 5-D itch scale. Results There was a 60.7±29.2% reduction of 5D-itch score compared to baseline    (19.53±3 versus 7.59±5.8, p<0.001). The mean cumulative dose of NB-UVB for one patient was 24.99 joule/ cm2 (1.25 ± 0.6 j/ cm2 per session). At the end of the trial, according to 5-D itch score criteria, 82.4% of patients were considered as a responder (good in 47.1%, very good in 35.3%) and after the treatment at follow up for 8 weeks, 35.7% developed pruritus again. Transient erythema was observed in 2 patients (10.5%) on phototherapy. Conclusion In our population, with Fitzpatrick s skin phototypes 3-5, NB-UVB phototherapy seems to be safe and effective choice for uremic pruritus, albeit tentative in some patients. High doses were required to achieve a satisfactory response. 


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How to Cite

Dhaher S, Hassan AA. Narrow-Band ultraviolet B phototherapy for the treatment of Iraqi patients with uremic pruritus. J Pak Assoc Dermatol [Internet]. 2020Oct.1 [cited 2025Jan.20];30(3):428-33. Available from:



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