Dermoscopic patterns in active and regressive lichen planus


  • Aisha Ghias king edward medical university / mayo hospital lahore
  • Atiya Arshad king Edward medical university/ mayo hospital lahore
  • Madiha Sanai king Edward medical university/ mayo hospital, lahore
  • Aneela Asghar kEMU/ MHL
  • Saelah Batool services hospital, lahore
  • Zunaira Arshad KEMU/MHL
  • Tahir Jameel Ahmad KEMU/MHL


Objective To determine various dermoscopic patterns in active and regressive Lichen Planus. Methods It was an observational study carried out at department of dermatology unit-II, Mayo Hospital Lahore. A total of 70 dermoscopic images from 35 patients (20 females, 15 males) were studied. Their clinical pictures were taken with iPhone 6 and patients diagnosed both clinically and histologically of lichen planus were enrolled in the study. Dermoscopic pictures were taken at the same time with fireflypro DE 350 model, a polarized dermoscopic device, using both optical and digital magnification. Clinical and dermoscopic data of both active and regressive Lichen Planus was compiled separately. Predominant patterns were described keeping in mind the internationally accepted terminology & criteria. Results 40 out of 70 images belonged to patients with clinically active LP, while 30 images showed features of regressive LP. Predominant features in active LP included wikhams stria (WS), vascular structures and various forms of pigmentation. WS and vascular structures are absent in majority of treated or regressive cases. Conclusion Dermoscopy is a reliable non-invasive tool in differentiating active from regressive LP. 

Author Biographies

Aisha Ghias, king edward medical university / mayo hospital lahore

assistant professor, dermatlogy departmnt mayo hospital lahore

Atiya Arshad, king Edward medical university/ mayo hospital lahore

senior registrar

Madiha Sanai, king Edward medical university/ mayo hospital, lahore

senior registrar

Aneela Asghar, kEMU/ MHL

associate professor

Saelah Batool, services hospital, lahore

assistant professor

Zunaira Arshad, KEMU/MHL

senior registrar

Tahir Jameel Ahmad, KEMU/MHL

professor and head of department



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How to Cite

Ghias A, Arshad A, Sanai M, Asghar A, Batool S, Arshad Z, Ahmad TJ. Dermoscopic patterns in active and regressive lichen planus. J Pak Assoc Dermatol [Internet]. 2020Oct.1 [cited 2025Jan.20];30(3):461-7. Available from:



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