Unilateral Blaschkoid lichen planus: A case series of rare entity


  • Sukhmani Kaur Brar Fortis Medcentre Chandigarh
  • Jaskirat Kaur Post graduate resident Guru Gobind Singh Medical College Faridkot-151203 Punjab India


blaschkoid, lichen planus,


Lichen planus is an idiopathic inflammatory dermatological condition affecting skin and mucosa. Certain variants of lichen planus may present a difficulty in diagnosis especially when the lesions are arranged in linear or blaschkoid  pattern. Correct diagnosis and treatment of this condition are necessary to prevent any undue investigation and for cosmetic appearance.  We herein report case series of 3 patients with unilateral blaschkoid lichen planus. 


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How to Cite

Brar SK, Kaur J. Unilateral Blaschkoid lichen planus: A case series of rare entity. J Pak Assoc Dermatol [Internet]. 2020Oct.1 [cited 2025Jan.20];30(3):507-10. Available from: https://jpad.com.pk/index.php/jpad/article/view/1425



Case Reports