To estimate the frequency of dermatoses in patients undergoing hemdialysis


  • Manal Afzaal
  • Safoora Aamir
  • Mateen Akram
  • Anum Arshad


Dermatoses, chronic kidney disease


Background The skin is an external reflection of many renal pathologies and hence serves as an important tool for the clinician. Mucocutaneous manifestations are commonly observed among patients with chronic kidney disease undergoing hemodialysis. Objective To estimate the frequency of dermatoses in patients undergoing hemdialysis. Study design Descriptive study. Place and duration of study Dialysis Centre, Shaikh Zayed Hospital, Lahore from 01.06.18 to 30.11.18. Materials and Methods One hundred and seventy seven patients of chronic kidney disease undergoing hemodialysis of both genders irrespective of dialysis duration were observed for various dermatoses. Results  There were 109 (61.6%) males and 68 (38.4%) females and male to female ratio was 1.6:1. The age of patients ranged from 11-75 years with the mean age being 45.80±14.30 years. One hundred and twenty patients were found to have skin problems. Xerosis was most common (37.9%) followed by pruritus (30.5%) while diffuse hyperpigmentation was seen in 20.3% of patients. Among the nail findings were onychomycosis (2.8%), Beau’s lines (3.4%). Hair changes such as sparse scalp hair and dry lusterless hair were seen in 10.2% and 1.7% of cases respectively. Other cutaneous findings observed were pallor 5.1%, ichthyosis vulgaris 2.3%, cellulitis 0.6%, bullous eruption at site of AV fistula 0.6%, seborrheic dermatitis 0.6%, scabies 1.1%, Schambergs’ disease 0.6%, calcinosis cutis 1.1%, paronychia 1.1%, angular cheilitis 0.6% and keratosis pilaris 0.6%. Conclusion A broad range of dermatoses occur in patients with chronic kidney disease on hemodialysis. Many of them negatively impact on quality of life. Their early recognition and treatment are essential in reducing morbidity and mortality. 


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How to Cite

Afzaal M, Aamir S, Akram M, Arshad A. To estimate the frequency of dermatoses in patients undergoing hemdialysis. J Pak Assoc Dermatol [Internet]. 2019Oct.22 [cited 2025Jan.15];29(4):396-401. Available from:



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