Use of Skindex-29 to assess quality of life in patients with port-wine stain
Port-wine stain (PWS), quality of life, Skindex-29Abstract
Objective To determine the effect of facial port-wine stain (PWS) on quality of life (QoL) in our population with skin type III to IV, using the Skindex-29Ó scoring system. Methods A total number of 69 patients were enrolled in this study. Patients were examined clinically and demographic data was collected. Patients were provided with Skindex-29Ó questionnaire with three independent domains affecting patient emotions, symptoms and functioning. Questionnaire had to be completed by patients themselves or with the help of an interpreter. The specific scoring system was used with a scale from 1-100; higher score indicated a greater impact of skin disease. Results Facial PWS had a moderately negative impact on QoL of the patient. Subscores calculated for symptoms were 8.17±6.70, emotions 25.72±7.83, and functions 21.00±11.34. Composite score was 19.53±11.26. These scores indicate that the greatest negative effect was on emotions, followed by functions and then symptoms. There was no significant difference in scores between the sexes. A greater area of involvement was significantly associated with higher emotional (p=0.04) and symptoms score (p=0.003). Deeper colour of PWS was associated with more symptoms (p=0.01). Conclusion Our study indicates that facial PWS has negative impact on a patient’s QoL, having more affect on emotions, followed by functions. Males and females were equally affected in all domains by PWS. Impact on emotions and symptoms is directly proportional to the size of PWS.References
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