Squamous cell carcinoma over lower limb in an Indian patient with disseminated discoid lupus erythematosus
Squamous cell carcinoma, disseminated, discoid lupus erythematosusAbstract
Disseminated discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is a subtype of DLE when the typical lesions are found below the neck. Squamous cell carcinoma being a very rare complication of discoid lupus erythematosus in India. It is usually seen over the scalp, lips, cheek or ears. Case report: A 54 year old woman presented 2 years back with multiple scaly lesions with dark colored borders over the lower limbs. She gave history of such lesions since last 12 years. She was then diagnosed with DLE, she now presented with asymptomatic growths over the right leg since last 1 year. On examination, there were multiple vegetative plaques over the right lower limb which had central ulceration. They were non tender and with no local rise of temperature. The inguinal and femoral groups of lymph nodes were not enlarged. Histopathological examination revealed hyperkeratosis, papillomatosis, keratin pearls and malignant atypical cells invading dermis arranged in cords and sheets, the features were consistent with that of a well differentiated SCC. We evaluated our case of disseminated DLE for any progression to systemic lupus erythematosus with no systemic involvement. She was referred to an onco-surgeon for excision.References
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