Extensive cutaneous larva migrans: A case report


  • Maryam Rafat
  • Amina Afzal
  • Shehla Shaukat
  • Mahwish Zahoor
  • Ijaz Hussain


Creeping eruption, cutaneous larva migrans, hookworm infection


Cutaneous larva migrans (CLM) is common parasitic infestation in warmer climates among people, who have contact with contaminated soil. It is caused by migration of hookworm larvae into the human skin. Clinically an itchy, erythematous, linear serpiginous tract appears within days to even months after exposure to infested sand or soil. Diagnosis is established on the clinical presentation. We describe a case of disseminated CLM presented in our OPD.


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How to Cite

Rafat M, Afzal A, Shaukat S, Zahoor M, Hussain I. Extensive cutaneous larva migrans: A case report. J Pak Assoc Dermatol [Internet]. 2018May27 [cited 2025Feb.8];27(4):391-3. Available from: https://jpad.com.pk/index.php/jpad/article/view/1180