Clinico-epidemiological study on metal-induced contact dermatitis from North India


  • Khushman Singh
  • Sunil Kumar Gupta
  • Veenu Gupta
  • Sukhmani Kaur Brar


Contact dermatitis, metal, clinico-epidemiological study


Objective To determine the prevalence of metal sensitization and different clinical patterns in suspected patients of metal induced contact dermatitis. Methods This was an epidemiological study during which a total of 100 patients suspected and provisionally diagnosed as having contact dermatitis to metals were subjected to a patch test with Indian Standard Battery developed by CODFI (Contact and Occupational Dermatoses Forum of India). Results were read after 48hrs of application and a second reading, if required, was taken after 72-96hrs. Results Most of the patients in this series presented with hand eczema (40%), which was followed by dermatitis localized to site of contact with metal (20%) and facial dermatitis including eyelid dermatitis (15%). Twenty-seven patients showed positive reactions to metal allergens. Cross-sensitivity was low and three patients or 11.11% showed sensitization to two metal allergens. No patient showed sensitization to all the three metals. Conclusion Nickel was the commonest metal allergen identified and it was relevant in 100% of the cases. It showed a strong female preponderance. Patch testing is hence a helpful diagnostic aid in identifying the agents responsible for contact dermatitis and a sincere effort should be made to determine clinical relevance of the test results in every case.


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How to Cite

Singh K, Gupta SK, Gupta V, Brar SK. Clinico-epidemiological study on metal-induced contact dermatitis from North India. J Pak Assoc Dermatol [Internet]. 2016Nov.20 [cited 2025Feb.8];25(3):169-76. Available from:



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